My Vapery has always strived to create a climate of responsible vaping amongst our customer base. We aim to target the millions of current smokers around the world whose lives could be drastically improved
Responsible Vaping and Product Safety
My Vapery has always strived to create a climate of responsible vaping amongst our customer base. We aim to target the millions of current smokers around the world whose lives could be drastically improved by switching the vaping.

There’s a huge deal of information out there on the health impacts of e-cigarette products that might make you think twice when making the switch. Questions have been thrown at the vaping industry for a long time; are e-liquids safe to use? Do they contain harmful ingredients? What are companies doing to ensure the highest possible standards?
Well, given the recent debates and media speculation surrounding the use and sale of e-cigarettes, we want to provide our customers, and indeed the wider public, with a degree of assurance when it comes to the safety of our products. My Vapery has always strived to create a climate of responsible vaping amongst our customer base. In contrary to other e-liquid companies, we do not market our vaping products to a younger audience.
The minimum legal age to vape in the UK is 18 and we fully understand the possible adverse effects of nicotine, particularly for teenagers. Instead, we aim to target the millions of current smokers around the world whose lives could be drastically improved by switching the vapingv.
This huge potential for improving public health is backed by the leading health organisation, Public Health England. Their independent review in 2005 concluded that vaping has significant potential to help people quit smoking and is, by comparison, 95% safer than smoking tobacco.
Many critics point towards high nicotine content as a reason to suppress and restrict the usage of e-cigarette products. Nicotine is undoubtedly an addictive and potentially harmful chemical compound if taken frequently - this is something we make very clear on our packaging. However, we also understand the unique needs of our customers.
Many people forget that for someone who has previously smoked 20 cigarettes a day, a sudden drop in nicotine dosage can cause severe withdrawal symptoms. It is for this reason that we offer flexible nicotine and flavour combinations, encouraging vapers to gradually reduce their nicotine dosage over time. We understand the difficulties of quitting, which is why we want to make the process as easy, flexible and tasty as possible.
We believe our core values espouse social responsibility. We specifically target smokers to transition to our e-cigarette products and continually support them via our personalised quitting service iKwit, offering emotional and psychological support.
Why not check out our Make the Switch blog for more information on our nicotine strength recommendations?